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Frequently Asked Questions

There are a few reasons that a post might not load. A common reason is that a photo you are trying to post is too large (over 10mb) for our current system to handle smoothly. Another common reason is that the photo you are trying to post is not a compatible file type. Currently, you can post jpeg, png, and gif files. If there is still a problem posting. If your post is within our boundaries and not posting, try reloading the page and trying again. If all else fails, send us a message on our contact us page and we will do our best to fix the problem going forward.

Categories of interest will dictate the content in your News Feed. Along with seeing posts from the collectors you follow, you will also see all posts that are associated with the categories you follow. When you post, you will be able to select a category to contribute your content to for others to see!

We are working on it, but as of now, there is no built in feature to export your collection. However there is an easy workaround. To export to a spreadsheet, navigate to your list view of your collection, select and drag from the top left corner of the table to the bottom right side. This will select all of you valubls and from there you can copy and paste to a spreadsheet!

Yes you can! When clicking the add button at the top toolbar you will see an option for “Upload Valubls”. When you click into this, select the option to “Download CSV Template” and it will download a file for you to fill in. From there you can map columns from your original spreadsheet to the columns in this template and copy them into it. Keep in mind that some fields in the template have predefined values to select from, such as “Type” and all values in that column need to be one from the dropdown list in the template in order for it to upload back to Valubl correctly. Once this is done, go back to the “Upload Valubls” page and select your new file for upload. They will be saved to your profile and from there you can make any changes and upload photos of the valubls.  

“Mark as Featured” and “Mark as Favorite” serve two different purposes. When you mark a valubl as featured, it will be displayed on your profile home page (note: you can feature up to 4 valubls on your profile at once, if you mark more than 4 as featured it will default to show your four most recent featured valubls). When you mark a valubl as a favorite, it will designate that valubl with a heart and make it easy for you to filter your collection to see your all time favorite pieces in your collection. There is no limit to how many valubls can be favorited.

To change your featured Showcase on your profile page, go to your current featured Showcase and unclick the box to “Mark as Featured”. Then go to (or create) your new Showcase and select that mark Showcase as featured. You can only have one featured Showcase at a time so make sure that is the only one featured.

If you want to find a friend of yours to follow, the most straightforward method would be to have that friend send you their shareable collector page URL with you. This URL can be found on the collector page when clicking the three dot menu to the right of the collector name and selecting “Share Profile”. Another quick way to follow a friend is to see one of their posts in your newsfeed and click on their collector name. We are currently working on a search collectors feature for our next update so stay tuned!

Yes you can! To share with a person who does not have a valubl profile you can simply send them your shareable collector page URL.This URL can be found on the collector page when clicking the three dot menu to the right of the collector name and selecting “Share Profile”. This link will allow outside people to view your profile home page, however if they want to navigate away from your homepage they will have to sign up.

If you do not see a category you want to follow and post into please let us know and we will look into adding it into the valubl community. In the meantime, make sure to add a tag to your post of your desired category so that it is searchable by others with the same passions. Still any of these posts that you make will still show up in the general community newsfeed.

If you do not see a type that fits the valubl you are adding to your collection, you should select “other” and fill out the fields as desired. Let us know if there is a type you want to see added to the valubl system and we will do our best to implement it in future versions.

Not yet, but we are working on one! In the meantime, you can use valubl on a mobile in your web browser and you can also often bookmark it as an icon on your home screen.